Commands (CLI)

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# Installing

npm i -g @firelayer/cli

# Commands

# for help on the commands firelayer -h

# add

Add templates to the current firelayer project

# add from firelayer repository:{name}-template firelayer add:template starter # or add directly from a git repository firelayer add:template

# auth

Users and authentication commands

# create a new user firelayer auth:add -u -p password123 # get the user information firelayer auth -u # set the user as admin ( custom claims with admin: 1 ) firelayer auth -u --set-admin

# db

Firestore and realtime database helpers

# populate the databases with the seed files on `database/seeds` firelayer db:seed

# deploy

Deploy helpers

# deploy the Firebase Cloud Functions environment variables # content from: `config/app.{env}.json` + `config/functions/env.{env}.json` firelayer deploy:env # deploy storage CORS configurations `rules/storage-cors.json` firelayer deploy:cors

# env

Set working environment. It will use the respective .firebaserc aliases and config files.

Affects which configs are injected using firelayer run "node index.js"

Example for firelayer env default will use the config files:

  • config/app.json, config/functions/env.json, etc
  • .firebaserc alias 'default'
  • config/keys/key.json

Example for firelayer env production will use the config files:

  • config/app.production.json, config/functions/env.production.json, etc
  • .firebaserc alias 'production'
  • config/keys/key.production.json

# display current environment firelayer env # change environment to 'default' firelayer env default

# init

Create a new project

firelayer init projectname # select template to initialize project firelayer init projectname -t starter

# make

Maker helpers

# make a new migration `database/migrations/{migration}` firelayer make:migration # firestore model maker firelayer make:model

# migrate

Database migrations

# run `database/migrations` migrations firelayer migrate # rollback last migration or x migrations with --steps x flag firelayer migrate:rollback

# run

Run shell commands with injected process.env config variables

firelayer run "node index.js"

# up / down

Maintenance mode for the application.

  • Will deploy rules that will prevent read and write access for Storage, Firestore and Realtime database.
  • Set the Realtime '_settings': { maintenance: true } so the frontend can see the maintenance mode.

# put the application into maintenance mode firelayer down # bring the application out of maintenance mode firelayer up

# info

Print debugging information about your environment

firelayer info

# Permissions requirements

For all the commands to work your service account needs to have the Google Cloud IAM permissions:

  • Cloud Datastore Import Export Admin (for backups)
  • Storage Admin (for backups)

After following the steps on how to get a service account key, go to your google cloud console and follow the steps:

  • open google cloud console IAM
  • make sure you are editing the correct project in the upper left corner
  • find the member with the name firebase-adminsdk and click the edit pencil button
  • click ADD ANOTHER ROLE and add:
    -- Cloud Datastore Import Export Admin
    -- Storage Admin
  • click SAVE and that's it

In the end your IAM would look something like this:

Google Cloud IAM
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