Getting Started

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# System Requirements

# Keep in mind:

  • You can use an existing Firebase project or create a new project on Firebase Console

# Setting up Firebase - Guide

Follow the guide on preparing a Firebase project for Firelayer

# Setup

We recommend creating a new Firelayer project using @firelayer/cli, which does the initial project setup automatically for you. To get the CLI, run:

npm i -g @firelayer/cli

# Create a new project

With the following command, firelayer will copy the boilerplate and install its dependencies.

firelayer init new-project

# Change directories into project folder

cd new-project

# Get the Firebase Service Account key

In order to use the Admin SDK in our Firebase Cloud Functions a service account key is needed. More information here.

To generate a private key file for your service account:

  1. In the Firebase console, open Settings > Service Accounts.
  2. Click Generate New Private Key, then confirm by clicking Generate Key.
  3. Securely store the JSON file in the folder config/keys
  4. Rename the key file to key.json (replace the default key.json file if it exists)
  5. Check if the path is correct: config/keys/key.json Important! Do not share or distribute this key, it must remain private.

# Start the development servers

yarn dev # or for npm npm run dev

# Create a production build

yarn build # or for npm npm run build

# Deploy into Firebase

yarn deploy # or for npm npm run deploy
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