Firelayer Templates for Firebase

Bootstrap your projects with one of these templates
Starter Template
firelayer init myproject -t starter
or add to existing firelayer project
firelayer add:template starter
Default template on firelayer init comes with an Administration Dashboard and Express API with user management, examples on firebase triggers and example on pubsub scheduler.
Landing Template
firelayer init myproject -t landing
or add to existing firelayer project
firelayer add:template landing
Landing page website with example pages. Built with Nuxt, Vue, and comes with i18n support and Vuetify.
Chat Template
firelayer init myproject -t chat
or add to existing firelayer project
firelayer add:template chat
Slack like chat. Built with Vue, Vuetify and Realtime database.
Board Template
firelayer init myproject -t board
or add to existing firelayer project
firelayer add:template board
Suggestion Board for user feedback. Built with Vue, Vuetify and Realtime database.
More to come
More templates in progress..
It's also possible to use your own templates. The commands firelayer init and firelayer add:template also accept git repositories as template input.
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