Templates > Chat Template - Documentation

Chat Template - Documentation

Follow the guide on preparing a Firebase project for Firelayer

# Setting up Firebase - Guide

# Content

# Chat Page apps/chat

  • Sign In with Google and Anonymous
  • Slack like chat for Firebase Realtime
  • Vue with Vuetify Components

# Installing

firelayer init myproject -t chat # or add to an existing Firelayer project firelayer add:template chat

Don't forget to verify hosting properties in firebase.json and targets on .firebaserc after adding a template. More on firebase hosting targets here

# Install dependencies

yarn bootstrap or for NPM npm run bootstrap

# Developing

To start run yarn dev or npm run dev and the three applications should be ready on:

  • Chat - localhost:8083
    (ports may change if already in use by other services)

You can run each separately by running:

  • yarn dev:chat or npm run dev:chat

# Deploying

# Deploy Hosting and Cloud Functions

To deploy all applications and hosting run:

yarn deploy # or if you use NPM npm run deploy

You can run each separately by running:

  • yarn deploy:chat or npm run deploy:chat

# Deploy Cloud Functions Environment Variables

To deploy cloud functions environment variables run:

firelayer deploy:env

# Maintenance

Step needed: Getting Started - Get the Firebase Service Account key so your Cloud Functions and Firelayer CLI helpers can work locally.

To put the chat on maintenance mode:

firelayer down

To get out of maintenance mode:

firelayer up
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